Posted tagged ‘BGE’

BGE Volunteers Work On Transitional House

November 25, 2009

Volunteers from Baltimore Gas & Electric spent two days renovating the Family Crisis Center of Baltimore County’s transitional house located in eastern Baltimore County.

The BGE crew, which was made up of the workers who maintain the underground lines that run through our area, arrived at the house before 7AM to get started on the project.

The volunteers worked to give the transitional house a much needed facelift. New ceiling tiles were installed, wood floors that were previously under carpeting were sanded and exposed, walls were painted, the house was cleaned, and much more. The workers even did the house’s laundry.

Michael LeSavage, Director of the BGE Underground URD Construction & Maintenance Department leads the crew of volunteers on a daily basis. He stated that BGE likes to be involved in the community that they serve, and feel as though working with the Family Crisis Center of Baltimore County really makes a difference.

The transitional house at the Family Crisis Center provides a safe space where residents can plan for a future free from domestic violence. The transitional house also provides the opportunity for the residents to receive job training and career counseling, return to school, find employment, save money, and find safe, affordable housing.